When we are studying, we don’t expect much help from others; we are ready for the fact that we count only on ourselves. Nevertheless, there is one great thing that can make the process of studying in college or university easier, and it is a smartphone. Nowadays, telephones can fulfill so many functions that it’s even hard to imagine how we managed to live without them and all those possibilities that they gave to us just two decades ago. Apart from entertainment, we can watch educational videos and find necessary information within seconds without spending half of our student years in a library. And there is a great number of apps that seem to be created especially for students. In this article, we gathered the most helpful applications in our opinion.
Apps to use when writing essays
Of course, if you decide to use some writing service, for example speedy paper writing service, and not to write essays yourself, this app is not very helpful, but for those who prefer to write the assignments, it can be timesaving. RefME is a magic app that you can use to create references in any format used in your college or university. The only thing you have to do is to scan the barcode of the book. Very easy, very quickly! If you didn’t know about it, try it when writing the next essay, and you will understand how great it is. Another very useful application is a mobile version of the Oxford Dictionary. Sometimes it happens that you are not sure about the meaning or spelling of the words. So in order not to make mistakes, just install this app, and you will never again lack words when writing.
Apps to use during the lectures
Let’s be honest; we are not so fond of writing lectures. First of all, for many teenagers nowadays, it’s easier to type and deal with phones and tablets than holding a pen and trying to write something. The second issue is that it’s very hard to write everything down and there is a great possibility that you will miss some important moments. Plus, it’s important to take into consideration that some students might have problems with eyesight, so they will simply not see what the teacher is writing on the board. And at this moment, our rescue range appears. You can install Notes Plus or SoundNote. And, of course, Office Lens will be very helpful as it can turn pictures in any necessary format.
Apps to use for planning
If you can plan and organize your time, then anything you do will be successful. It is one of the most important skills and something that is very appreciated by teachers and employers. We are not talking about control freaks but about reasonable time management that will make you efficient as a student and as an employee in the future. There are a lot of ways to be a more organized person starting from an old-school planner or notebook and finishing with modern applications to be installed on your smartphone. Such apps as Timetable or Class Timetable can help you to remember important dates, agreements, or deadlines you have to fulfill or when you have to order some paperwork, for example, from writepaperfor.me. One of them can be installed on Android, and the other one is for iPhones. And there are plenty of other apps that can be used if, for some reason, you don’t like those mentioned here. Some of them can be completely free, for others you have to pay. Just choose what suits you the most.
Apps to use when having video calls
A lot of schools are offering online education, and that is why more and more applications for this purpose are appearing. Maybe one of the first ones was Skype, but a lot of students are looking for alternatives. And there are a lot of them, actually. Google Meets, FaceTime, Zoom, or even a video chat on Instagram, all these apps will help you to keep in touch not only with teachers and organize and visit meetings but also communicate with your family if you are far away.
Apps to use to keep fit
Health problems are rather typical for students. A cold, the flu, problems with blood pressure, and some eating or sleep disorders all can become the reason for students to miss classes and, as a consequence, not be able to keep up with the rest of the students. So there is no need to explain why it is very important to keep fit and take care of your health. Different apps can be installed on your smartphone and then connected to your smartwatch or tracker. All the information will be gathered and analyzed by the program, and you will be able to understand what you should pay attention to. You can check such apps as Pelotone, NikeTraining, or FitBody because they are rather popular among students.